Avra or Aura

Avra or Aura  is a a female Greek name whose origins are found in the ancient Greek mythology.

The name Avra derives from the Greek word aura (breeze).

Sound of name AvraÁv-ra

Male version of name Avra: N/A

Nameday of Avra: January 30th

Origin of name Avra – Agia Chrysi (St Chrysi)

The nameday of Avra is January 30, the day of Agia Chrysi, whose second name was Avra.

Chrysi or Avra was a woman who lived during the reign of Emperor Claudius (269AD) She came from a very rich family, but she suffered a lot due to her Christian beliefs.

According to the Orthodox tradition, the pagans arrested Chrysi and cut her body, burning her wounds with fire. Then they crashed her jaws and bones with stones but still, although in such a bad condition, she still remained faithful.

The pagans tied a large rock around her neck and threw her to the sea. Although her body vanished into the waters, her strong faith became an example for other people.

The Orthodox church declared her a saint and celebrates the namedays of Avra and Chrisi on January 30th.

Avra in Greek Mythology

Avra is also known from the Greek mythology. Avra was the Goddess of breezes and cool air, the daughter of Lelas and Periboea and one of the most known companions of Goddess Artemis.

God Dionysus saw Avra and fell inlove with her, but she fled away from him. Later, Aphrodite accepted a request from Dionysus and inspired Avra with love for the God.

She gave birth to twins, but upon birth she killed one of her babies and threw herself into the sea. Artemis saved the second baby that was named Iakchos, who became the leader of the Eleusinian Mysteries.

Nicknames deriving from name Aura

Aura does not have any nicknames or diminutives.

The Names’ Fairy reveals the meaning of name Aura

Aura is a very strong personality, a woman with power. She has spiritual interests and she is a very independent woman.



3 thoughts on “Avra or Aura”

  1. AVRA is even the title of a CD with Greek music from Maja Sikorowska and the ensemble Kroke from Poland. Enjoy!


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