Kalliopi or Calliope

Kalliopi or Calliope is a female Greek name, whose roots are found in Ancient Greece. Calliope was one of the 9 Muses of Greek Mythology.

Kalliopi or Calliope? Which one is correct? The answer is that both are correct, but the spelling Kalliopi is closer to the original Greek name: Καλλιοπη.

The name derives from the Greek word “kallos” which means beauty and “opi” which is a version of the word “eyes” in Greek, therefore Kalliopi is the woman with the beautiful eyes.

Sound of name Kalliopi: Ka-lleeó-peeh

Male Version of name Kalliopi: N/A

Nameday of Kalliopi: June 8th

Origin of name Kalliopi – Agia Kalliopi (St Kalliopi)

Agia Kalliopi lived at the 3rd century AD, during the reign of Emperor Decius. She stood out due to her beauty but also her spiritual gifts. She had dedicated her life to Christ and was rejecting all marriage proposals.

Emperor Decius started persecuting the Christians, and thus, Kalliopi was arrested and brought to the local ruler who also admired her beauty. He tried to persuade her to become a pagan so as to save her life, but Kalliopi once again denied paganism and declared her faith to Christ.

The ruler had her tortured: men cut her body with knives and burned her wounds. In the end, she was decapitated, and the Orthodox church declared her a saint, celebrating the nameday of Kalliopi on June 8th.

Nicknames deriving from name Kalliopi

Kalliopi has a few nicknames such as Popi (the most common one), Pitsa, Kallia, Kelly, Lia and Kalliopia.

The Names’ Fairy reveals the meaning of name Kalliopi

Kalliopi is a dependable and dynamic woman who can deal with all hard situations in life. She is very mature and she usually takes over the responsibilities of other people.


2 thoughts on “Kalliopi or Calliope”

  1. Most Greek people also drop the second L when using it as a first name. Making it Kaliopi or Kaliopia (endearing form). My daughters name is Kaliopia

  2. Wrong etymology…Kalliopi means beautiful voice not eyes. Opi means human screams. Well-known form of the word is ‘opa’ a Greek folk expression of good cheer, often used during dancing, expressing fun and excitement


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Greek Names