Zoi or Zoe

Zoi or Zoe is a female name commonly found in Greece. It is actually one of the most important and significant words in the Greek language, because Zoi means Life, and is an ancient word. Name Zoi is also found in many other languages, usually spelled as Zoe.

Sound of Name Zoi: Zo-é

Male Version of name Zoi: Zois

Nameday of name Zoi: different day each year depending on Easter date

Origin of name Zoi – Pigi Zois (source of life)

Name Zoi is obviously associated with life itself. For the Greek Orthodox Church, name Zoi is celebrated 5 days after Easter, because our Church celebrates the eternal life. The day when name Zoi celebrates its name day is the day of Pigi Zois, which means the source or fountain of life. Since the early Christian Years, Greek Jews and some other Christians associated name Zoi with Eve, because Eve was the source of life according to the scripts. Some other Christian dogmas, associate Zoi with Virgin Mary, because she participated to the creation of life, giving birth to the Son of God with the immaculate conception.

Nicknames deriving from the name Zoi

Zoi features a few nicknames, such as Zoitsa, Zozo, Zozoula, Zooula. Zoi is a lovely name though, so many women keep it as it is.

The Names’ Fairy reveals the meaning of name Zoi

Zoi is a woman full of life; she is quite social and she always wants to participate to many different things. She can be very extroverted and playful, but she is also very well organized and confident person.

1 thought on “Zoi or Zoe”

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