
Margeta is a female Greek name, which derives from the name Maria. It is not a very popular name in the Greek islands, but it is rather common in the Greek mainland, especially in Central Greece. Once upon a time, when most Greeks would choose a diminutive or nickname, Margeta was used by many Greek women baptized with the name Maria.

An alternative spelling for name Margeta is Maryeta.

female greek name MargetaSound of name Margeta: Ma-ryé-ta

Male Version of name Margeta: Marios (from Maria)

Nameday of  Margeta: August 15th or November 21st

Origin of name Margeta

As mentioned, name Margeta isa diminutive of the main Greek name Maria, therefore it is also associated with Virgin Mary. You can read additional details on the name Maria and its diminutives and nicknames at the post for the name Maria.

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Greek Names